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Technische Details
Preis (EUR) | Preis auf Anfrage |
Auswahl | Motoryacht |
Baujahr | 1999 |
Länge | 12,50 m / 41,01 fuss |
Breite | 3,70 m |
max. Tiefgang | 0,95 m |
Liegeplatz | sonstige, ITALIA |
Zustand | gut |
Material Rumpf | GFK |
Betriebsstunden | 400,00 |
Kabinen | 2 |
Betten | 4 |
Trailer | Trailer nicht vorhanden |
Interne Nr. | 8149496 |
Elektrische Ausstattung: Landanschluss; Generator Innenausstattung: Elektrische Bilgepumpe; Mikrowelle; Heiwasser; Khlschrank: Electric; Ladegert Deckausstattung: Cockpittisch; Badeleiter; Steuerung: Direktantrieb;
Motor 1: Motorfabrikat: CUMMINS; Gesamtleistung: 450ps; Betriebsstunden: 400; Motortyp: Innenborder; Steuerung: Direktantrieb; Treibstoff: Diesel; Motor 2: Motorfabrikat: CUMMINS; Gesamtleistung: 450ps; Betriebsstunden: 400; Motortyp: Innenborder; Steuerung: Direktantrieb; Treibstoff: Diesel;
Geschwindigkeit und Reichweite: Reisegeschwindigkeit: 25kn; Max. Geschwindigkeit: 31kn Abmessungen: Gesamtlnge: 12.5m; Tiefgang: 0.95m; Breite: 3.7m Tanks: Kabinen: Doppelkojen: 2; Kabinen: 2; Toiletten: 2;
CAMARO 43, 1999, SCAFO BLU 2022, 2 x 450 HP CUMMINS, 400 ORE DI MOTO, DIESEL, 2 CABINA/E, 2 BAGNO/I, GENERATORE, CUSCINERIA ESTERNA, REFIT 2022, +39 06 65 22 258/9, - CODICE ANNUNCIO W138360/M Il CAMARO 43 LIBERA un Open elegante che coniuga ottime prestazioni ad un'abitabilit sorprendente per le dimensioni della stessa. IL CAMARO 43 LIBERA stato sottoposto a un refit generale in corso di perfezionamento, che ha incluso i seguenti interventi: verniciatura murate blu dark, spiaggetta e specchio di poppa; rifacimento delle fasce al di sotto del parabrezza; sostituzione del parabrezza con nuovo grigio scuro, ripristino del pozzetto con verniciatura del mobilio esterno; lamatura del legno della pavimentazione interna e applicazione di finitura opaca, ripristino del mobilio interno; verniciatura delle sentine, della sala macchine e riverniciatura parziale dei motori Cummins (con sole 400 ore di moto); carteggiatura della carena con ottimizzazione della stessa e applicazione della nuova antivegetativa. Il CAMARO 43 LIBERA inoltre equipaggiato con: generatore, frigorifero, piano cottura a gas + forno a microonde, prendisole anteriore e posteriore, spiaggetta di poppa e scaletta per il bagno, tavolo in pozzetto fisso. - Entra in e consulta le Schede descrittive, con oltre 6.000 tra Immagini e Video, potrai prenotare la tua Video Visita a bordo, acquistare e vendere il tuo Posto Barca e riservare le migliori imbarcazioni e Location per le tue vacanze in barca.English CAMARO 43, 1999, HULL RED, 2 x 450 HP CUMMINS, 400 ENGINE HOURS, DIESEL, 2 CABIN/S, 2 WC(S), GENERATOR, EXTERNAL CUSHIONS, +39 06 65 22 258/9, - AD CODE W138360/M The CAMARO 43 ?LIBERA? is an elegant Open that blends excellent performances and a surprising livability for her size. The CAMARO 43 ?LIBERA? has been undergoing a general refit that's nearing completion, and that included: dark blue side repainting, swim platform and transom, new bands below the windshield, replacement of the windshield with a new dark grey one, cockpit restoration with repainting of outdoor furniture, counterboring of indoor wood floor and matte finish, restoration of indoor furniture, repainting of bilges, engine room and partial repainting of Cummins engines (with 400 engine hours); hull sanding and antifouling. The CAMARO 43 is also equipped with: generator, fridge, gas stove + microwave, bow & stern sundecks, transom and swim ladder, fixed cockpit table. - Check the full brochure, the video and the sea trial on our Web site MEDIA SHIPFranaise CAMARO 43, 1999, COQUE ROUGE, 2 x 450 HP CUMMINS, 400 HEURS DU MOTEUR, DIESEL, 2 CABINE/S, 2 SALLE/S DE BAIN, GNRATEUR, COUSSINS DE DEHORS, +39 06 65 22 258/9, - CODE DE L'ANNOUNCE W138360/M - Consultez le dossier complet, le vid?o et l'essai en mer sur notre site Web MEDIA SHIPDeutsch CAMARO 43, 1999, RUMPF ROT, 2 x 450 HP CUMMINS, 400 BETRIEBSSTUNDEN, DIESEL, 2 KABINEN, 2 BADEZIMMER, GENERATOR, POLSTER FR DEN AUENBEREICH, +39 06 65 22 258/9, - ANZEIGENUMMER W138360/M - Sehen sie das komplette techinischen broschure, das video und die wassertest, auf unserer website MEDIA SHIPEspaol CAMARO 43, 1999, CASCO ROJO, 2 x 450 HP CUMMINS, 400 HORAS MOTOR, DIESEL, 2 CABINA/S, 2 BAO/S, GENERADOR, COJINES AL AIRE LIBRE, +39 06 65 22 258/9, - CD. ANUNCIO W138360/M - Consulte la ficha completa, el video y la prueba de mar en nuestro sitio Web MEDIA SHIP CAMARO 43, 1999, HULL RED, 2 x 450 HP CUMMINS, 400 ENGINE HOURS, DIESEL, 2 CABIN/S, 2 WC(S), GENERATOR, EXTERNAL CUSHIONS, +39 06 65 22 258/9, - AD CODE W138360/M The CAMARO 43 ?LIBERA? is an elegant Open that blends excellent performances and a surprising livability for her size. The CAMARO 43 ?LIBERA? has been undergoing a general refit that's nearing completion, and that included: dark blue side repainting, swim platform and transom, new bands below the windshield, replacement of the windshield with a new dark grey one, cockpit restoration with repainting of outdoor furniture, counterboring of indoor wood floor and matte finish, restoration of indoor furniture, repainting of bilges, engine room and partial repainting of Cummins engines (with 400 engine hours); hull sanding and antifouling. The CAMARO 43 is also equipped with: generator, fridge, gas stove + microwave, bow & stern sundecks, transom and swim ladder, fixed cockpit table. - Check the full brochure, the video and the sea trial on our Web site MEDIA SHIP